Theres Family and theres “Family”

So in one of my other posts I spoke briefly about a “Uncle” and I though I would explain as this is something that constantly comes up in my life.

I have my family, who are all related to me, and then there’s my Irish “family” these are a family who have been friends with my family for almost 40 years and it started off my great nan used to drink with a Irish man in a pub, and he gave her contact details for his niece in Ireland, as she was around the same age as my  mum and they became pen friends. To this day they’re still best friends, and through this I’ve acquired a “nan”, 2 “uncles”, 2 “aunts”, 2 “cousins” and 1 “cousin/niece”

If I talk about any of them it will probably be either my “aunts” or one of my “uncles” who lived with us when I was a baby and who to this day is still traumatized from watching so much Bananas in Pyjamas with me.

I thought I should do this as a little heads up because I know it confuses all of my friends and there will be times when my Irish family are in some of my stories.

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